Friday, May 21, 2010

Convicted Felon Field trips

I recently found out about the abuse of our courts by inmates using the system to file lawsuits on our taxpayer dollars to get a get out of jail free card. These convicted felons can sue anyone they want, anytime they want, and it cost the Connecticut taxpayer millions of dollars. How much of their sentences do they actually spend in prison vs the courts playing attorney for themselves.? Gov. Rell just approved a grant from the federal stimulus package that will put 1.7 million dollars of video equipment in the prisons and courts to keep the transportation costs down for the spiraling number of prisoner litigation. I recently reviewed one convicted felons court records and he has twenty five lawsuits filed. Is this ridiculous or what! I don't know about what the rest of the CT taxpayers think but I sure can think of a better way to spend our tax dollars! I brought this to the attention of a Senator who will look into the statistics. If you agree that the convicted felons should be limited to the number of lawsuits they can file on our dime then write your local senators and congressmen to get a bill enacted.
I think CT taxpayers can find many other deserving programs to spend 1.7 millon on then a band-aid to the excessive prison litagation.

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